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[資源下載] Use English At Work [複製鏈接]

& P. o1 R) }4 d% G7 w
: e$ J# ?6 c" J! B1 R0 E6 DDo you 7 w; T( J" s4 I9 O
ever get nervous speaking English with your co-workers because you’re not sure , P/ ?/ W: [8 d5 ?! ?: B
what the “right” word or expression is? After listening to Using English at
0 ?# t$ p2 ~5 ~3 x/ E5 ?7 V# o% aWork, you will be better able to speak and write business English. Get it right
0 [+ L' q% s/ b) ]with this complete course in daily English for businesspeople like 7 k" {9 U% D) Q6 x; V
% ?) d$ ?  }$ u# C1 h( h$ q; ~  r: e
1 I2 T2 x4 ]/ S; w! D2 U& {You’ll learn commonly used words and phrases that will help you # F$ H( Y$ u# ^6 z; f
succeed in English. The course includes 10 detailed lessons that describe each
0 b; X7 D# L  o+ o" R6 d% t# b9 Spart of a typical workday. Learn vocabulary related to arriving at work,
% t! J( r; V0 Gchecking mail and email, attending office meetings, going to business lunches,
7 v: O5 N' ~! y  X# [handling computer problems, scheduling a meeting, meeting with your boss, and 2 y3 K2 P" q8 i/ P; O7 Y2 h- c
socializing with coworkers.9 ?- J# h' S1 k0 `- ?

5 ^' X7 w8 T- ?5 Y1 AIn each lesson, you'll learn common and ; Y, n$ @" |1 j4 N$ x) r- B5 y* G+ D
useful vocabulary for everyday things and situations found in an
7 Q) `. j& a2 E1 yoffice.
; x1 \2 j! D  o. W& L' K% B6 Y$ P! ^
Here is a list of just some of the situations you will be able to ! Q% U. V5 H% J& }0 q, A: u
talk about in English after completing this course:
" z  {5 o) Q# ?! S6 Z0 V$ T# Q. q) f( l! I
* Parking your car in / Q( ?8 T5 @( B8 N" c. F
a parking lot
/ g+ W3 L! H  E8 n% [; C' ^4 Z- G* Dealing with inter- and intra-office mail. \3 G/ F3 T1 k0 W, p9 o4 r2 ?
* Talking about " n4 g2 o/ Y/ F9 h
% H) m! d+ I# N6 M' Y2 B* Handling voicemails1 K7 ]: ?$ U( H- q5 D, z
* Attending a meeting1 H6 |# N( T+ p
* Working with daily
$ d: z+ Y& s, qoffice furniture, supplies, and equipment. \. Z( j7 P: T+ T. \7 j
* Taking a break with your # i# U) w+ `; y5 M
! P3 r; Y; A# _* Going to lunch with colleagues1 D1 _8 I; O4 _) }  d
* Fixing common computer
: b( E$ N- o) {& `$ v1 G4 y7 Xproblems
) S9 e/ D- i) Z2 T4 ]2 [, N* Talking to technical support
7 B, P6 C% R3 S# K* Scheduling a meeting with
$ V1 c$ S2 K* C& K% _1 [* Nanother company
8 F  r3 d8 J4 @# S9 c3 ?0 t* Meeting with your supervisor
9 u0 @+ B0 B1 b2 U0 K8 v8 P& Y4 r* Leaving work and clearing 6 y6 e! F$ e5 s
up your desk9 j" H3 ~/ P  {9 S
* Going out for after-work get-togethers with 2 Y3 I7 N9 V5 \
% u+ E# D0 b; e* i, Y# ]' A
& s; i+ `! A7 B0 ~- Y7 }How it Works
) B. G% {( G$ N# X  \1 a; XEach lesson is divided into three parts,
6 z, m. b# P/ K% N7 ofollowing the highly successful teaching methods ESLPod.com. You:
, r5 {' _( N/ y; ~
* F: R: a  e; B8 u" X1 Q1. & o9 s, [  l) k; L
Listen to the story (slow): r/ r4 `. j! r7 v8 x; W! I
2. Listen to the explanation of the story and - ^& M, b) B3 @; W* y
vocabulary5 |. x* e7 w! i( `+ p
3. Listen to the story at native-speaker rate (fast)6 P. g$ o6 x: m* ^  X4 A

/ |; y& c, D6 l; @This
' p: d6 Y" v2 Y6 S0 ~" @+ `3 X1-2-3 method of learning languages, pioneered by the applied linguists at the
6 o8 P( g5 `) o: z/ D8 ZCenter for Educational Development and ESL Podcast, is the fastest way to
/ P* E* `8 ?3 u2 M) c6 Rimproving your business-related vocabulary. You encounter all of the key $ w& U6 e! f) o6 z7 ]+ D9 _) b
vocabulary several times in each lesson, helping you really understand the " r6 c/ A6 ?; b% n& Y3 m$ F
meaning of the expressions and how to use them correctly.) \3 g/ }* d; b$ ?( w  M2 Q* q9 G5 `

: x- |- c- ]- q# WDon’t Just
0 \  {' T- f' o' }8 A: s* G2 XListen – Read it, too!
3 a& G+ G+ Y# L0 U. {Get the most out of Using English at Work by following * h: T6 Y) i. N1 i% \! Q3 X$ e
along with the Learning Guide, which has a complete written transcript of every
# U5 ?; Z: a$ Aword spoken in the lessons. All of the vocabulary and expressions used in the 0 L, c7 m' A: v2 K7 g
lesson are also listed and defined in the Learning Guide, giving you the 3 f) d4 G1 l) V" _# e
opportunity to read and review whenever you’d like. Plus, you are provided with : J- Q) R! [0 Y2 P3 F
an extra sample sentence using the word correctly in context. By listening to 1 g: M9 }& d) P8 z
and reading each lesson, you’ll have a truly powerful way to increase your
" A* ]* H3 m- ]1 g8 s& S, j# dspeaking and listening abilities in English.5 T% e! W8 a8 s) U; I# F+ E5 j/ O
5 h+ F* \& {, ]9 x$ O
The 10 lessons
4 f$ h3 `+ ^( P* D; z" k' ^are:
* J" A* B$ e6 @+ D; G1 ZLesson 1 – Arriving at Work
) ]- ^, `0 v7 s5 ~: V: [6 SLesson 2 – Checking Mail, Email, and 6 H+ X$ Y+ S( H8 A
8 q' A7 z/ F6 o7 ?/ uLesson 3 – Attending the Morning Meeting5 }1 v' X" Z( j6 s! t
Lesson 4 – Working at 3 s1 s* T$ l$ `
My Desk# Y- ]) @' t. }2 J' ]! w# t
Lesson 5 – Taking a Break/Eating Lunch
7 _+ \% p0 V. Z  o* Y" x6 }Lesson 6 – Having Computer
/ b3 [6 l6 P" \  m* a) nProblems5 n* l+ L4 o- {* U$ {
Lesson 7 – Scheduling a Meeting8 @  \0 a9 w% }1 C
Lesson 8 – Meeting with the # B1 f' d- G' j; d, X. [% X
Boss  a. `3 A5 H9 v' A$ d% x
Lesson 9 – Leaving Work" o: m5 K$ P! i, t
Lesson 10 – Socializing with Coworkers+ g! @6 S( R- a$ y: R' y

1 z9 |: r/ _& x8 n( F【檔案名稱】:Use English At Work
- g( I$ n1 W3 G【檔案大小】:88.32MB5 n+ Y- ^* U0 f+ F
【檔案格式】:PDF8 M( u2 S3 T8 x4 L2 ]1 M
【分享空間】:sendspace& H. |- K$ Q- N$ T/ Z6 k7 d4 o8 s
8 e9 ~% V* `9 Q: W$ g【下載方式】:http://www.sendspace.com/file/orz2wm
. F' Q7 m3 F8 {【解壓密碼】:waikeung.info


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amoebi + 30 發帖辛苦,紅包送上!


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發表於 2012-6-23 13:06:44 | 只看該作者
i like it


發表於 2012-7-23 23:25:45 | 只看該作者
wo  !
$ h6 d+ e: O' g5 G0 z- Agood!!


發表於 2012-10-12 04:32:45 | 只看該作者
$ g& v' n3 N- r期待你更多更好的創作哦!


發表於 2013-1-13 14:15:24 | 只看該作者

回復樓主 親!! 現在是淩晨!妳失眠啦?餓啦?通宵加班?還是想WK啦?

 分享同時學會感恩,一句感謝的話語,就是最大的支持!  歡迎交流討論
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